Oct 31, 2023 JP, the Anachronic Chronicler
3 Amazing Ways of Using Loot’s New Taverns
Loot’s new taverns have just been released and everyone is already 3D printing them! Check out how you can incorporate them in your RPG.
Oct 31, 2023 JP, the Anachronic Chronicler
Loot’s new taverns have just been released and everyone is already 3D printing them! Check out how you can incorporate them in your RPG.
Oct 26, 2023 LĂgia Freitas, the Enchanting Incantatrix
Dive into the top Loot bundles you absolutely need in your collection! Choose from pirate to horror-themed bundles to play new adventures.
Oct 19, 2023 JP, the Anachronic Chronicler
Halflings have been changing with time, becoming more fierce, bold, strong, and straying away from tolkenian stories. Here’s more about them.
Oct 12, 2023 Deborah D'Antonio, the Perilous Mystifier
Elves are known for their elegance, pointy ears, and uncanny beauty. Learn more about one of the most playerd races in RPGs and other games.
Oct 3, 2023 JP, the Anachronic Chronicler
More than just a brutal race of evil-doers, the orcs evolved and gained their place among the playable races, becoming even heroes.
Sep 28, 2023 Bruno Pelegrini, the Wicked Elf
As one of the more popular races of RPGs, dwarves have a direct impact on gaming and even film industry, being part of the overall imaginary.
Sep 21, 2023 Victor Seiffer, the Gentle Giant
An overview on the influence that tabletop RPGs have over us all the time, whether you realized it or not.
Sep 12, 2023 Deborah D'Antonio, the Perilous Mystifier
RPGs are a pure game of choices and consequences, and each one of them impacts the experience in one way or another.
Aug 29, 2023 Bruno Pelegrini, the Wicked Elf
Righteousness, honor, strenght and unwavering devotion. Learn the advantages of having a paladin in your party.